Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Useful SEND services & information

Click on the picture below for information on the Devon Local offer to help you find out about the SEND support services available in Devon

For more information on Dias, a service which supports children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their parents and carers, click below

Did you know  your child doesnt need a diagnosis in order to claim Disability Living Allowence? Click on the link above for information and support on applying for DLA.

What is SEND?

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) describes pupils who have needs over and above those we can be met by high quality classroom teaching. These needs may be within one of more of the four areas of need: communication and interaction, cognition and learning, physical and sensory  and social, emotional and mental health.

These needs may present for a short period or throughout a child’s educational life. They may be identified before a child has begun school, or they may come to be recognised during their education.

Clyst Heath is a maintained local authority school. Approximately 14% of pupils are registered on the Special Educational Needs (SEN)

At Clyst Heath we work hard to ensure the curriculum, and school life, is accessible for everyone. Teaching staff continually work to fully understand their pupils and meet their needs.

We know that children’s needs are most effectively met by working closely with parents to ensure the best possible outcomes.

At Clyst Heath our SENDCO is Kate White.

Children & Family Health Devon have lots of information sheets, websites and resources you can access for information about local and national services for your family and your child, click on the link below for more details

Policies & Information

SEND Report SEND Policy
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