at Clyst Heath Nursery and Community Primary School 



Art is a creative discipline which embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity in many cultures. We want pupils at Clyst Heath to experience a high-quality art and design education that engages, inspires and challenges pupils. They will have the opportunity to experiment, invent and create works of art, craft and design based on their interests and experience. During their time at Clyst Heath, children will study a range of artists, makers and designers from a diverse range of backgrounds to understand the development of their art forms and inspire their own work.  

We aim for pupils to: 

  • Experience and become confident in creative work that explores their ideas and records their experiences. 
  • Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. 
  • Evaluate and analyse their own and other artist’s creative works using the language of art, craft and design. 
  • Engage in local arts events ensuring pupils at Clyst Heath given the opportunity to be active members of the local community.



We achieve this by: 

An ambitious curriculum design which ensures that while at Clyst Heath pupils experience and develop skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, print, textiles and other art techniques. 

A curriculum which explores work by a variety of artists from different backgrounds and cultures, developing cultural capital for all learners. 

Teaching of well-planned and structured lessons to ensure progress, where knowledge builds as children move through school and is retained and recalled for independent work. 

A positive and inclusive attitude to the teaching of Art, which ensures that all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with Special Educational Needs develop the skills and knowledge to enjoy art and express themselves. 

Ensuring that each year group completes a task informed by our work on Growth Mindset, modelled on Austin’s Butterfly, where they analyse and improve their work through peer assessment. 

An ability to show courage and consistence in defence of their aims, values, principles and beliefs. 

A series of annual assessments in a drawing task to show progress as they move through school. 


As a result of our inspiring Art curriculum all children are confident and enjoy using a broad range of techniques to express their ideas, feelings and emotions. They have the skills they need to complete this work and are articulate analysing and discussing their own and other artists work. 

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